Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Blogger dead

Is not limping along unable to cope with the load? It takes a long time to login, you never know if the admin pages are going to load (especially the 'edit' page which I use a lot, and the 'Create Post' page which no-one else ever seems to use!) - publishing is a bit of a lottery: and they never delete any of the crappy blogs with one single crap entry from years ago (which blogs happen to have names that I wanted to use :-).

I'm trying to post our nineball results (I want to get them on as soon as I can!) and it's just not playing. Let's see if I can post this. Ah. I am unable to post there that I won 15-6. Shame.

As a complication - and an extra risk factor - Robin gave me a cute tiny USB lasermouse Kathy had got him - it's promotional for "Bondronat" - which eats the batteries and I'm on battery now. I've set the warning to go at 90% and shutdown at 85% - see if I can get at least a few seconds warning before it dies.. it never was a very good battery (it's a lot newer than the laptop, at least to me - the first battery died altogether after a year or so charging continuously, it's still in my 'dead battery box': I just can't bring myself to throw batteries in the rubbish, the chemicals in them should never reach the water table. Oh well. It just di

1 comment:

stuartd said...

Bloody lightweights, aren't they!